Functions for messing with time and clocks.
(bump-gen-select select)
A function which returns a clock bump generator that bumps the clock from -262 to +262 seconds, exponentially distributed. (select test) is used to select which subset of the test’s nodes to use as targets in the generator.
(bump-time! delta)
Adjusts the clock by delta milliseconds. Returns the time offset from the current local wall clock, in seconds.
Emits a random schedule of clock skew operations. Always starts by checking the clock offsets to establish an initial bound.
Generates a nemesis which manipulates clocks. Accepts four types of operations:
{:f :reset, :value [node1 ...]}
{:f :strobe, :value {node1 {:delta ms, :period ms, :duration s} ...}}
{:f :bump, :value {node1 delta-ms ...}}
{:f :check-offsets}
(clock-offset remote-time)
Takes a time in seconds since the epoch, and subtracts the local node time, to obtain a relative offset in seconds.
(compile! reader bin)
Takes a Reader to C source code and spits out a binary to /opt/jepsen/
(compile-resource! resource bin)
Given a resource name, spits out a binary to /opt/jepsen/
(parse-time s)
Parses a decimal time in unix seconds since the epoch, provided as a string, to a bigdecimal
Randomized reset generator. Performs resets on random subsets of the test’s nodes.
(reset-gen-select select)
A function which returns a generator of reset operations. Takes a function (select test) which returns nodes from the test we’d like to target for that clock reset.
(reset-time! test)
Resets the local node’s clock to NTP. If a test is given, resets time on all nodes across the test.
Randomized clock strobe generator targeting a random subsets of the test’s nodes.
(strobe-gen-select select)
A function which returns a clock strobe generator that introduces clock strobes from 4 ms to 262 seconds, with a period of 1 ms to 1 second, for a duration of 0-32 seconds. (select test) is used to select which subset of the test’s nodes to use as targets in the generator.
(strobe-time! delta period duration)
Strobes the time back and forth by delta milliseconds, every period milliseconds, for duration seconds.