
Libfaketime is useful for making clocks run at differing rates! This namespace provides utilities for stubbing out programs with faketime.



Installs our fork of 0.9.6 (the last version which worked with jemalloc), which includes a patch to support CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE and CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE. Gosh, this is SUCH a hack.


(rand-factor factor)

Helpful for choosing faketime rates. Takes a factor (e.g. 2.5) and produces a random number selected from a distribution around 1, with minimum and maximum constrained such that factor * min = max. Intuitively, the fastest clock can be no more than twice as fast as the slowest.


(script cmd init-offset rate)

A sh script which invokes cmd with a faketime wrapper. Takes an initial offset in seconds, and a clock rate to run at.


(unwrap! cmd)

If a wrapper is installed, remove it and replace it with the original .nofaketime version of the binary.


(wrap! cmd init-offset rate)

Replaces an executable with a faketime wrapper, moving the original to Idempotent.