
Provides the base protocol for running commands on remote nodes, as well as common functions for constructing and evaluating shell commands.


(env env)

We often want to construct env vars for a process. This function takes a map of environment variable names (any Named type, e.g. :HOME, “HOME”) to values (which are coerced using (str value)), and constructs a Literal string, suitable for passing to exec, which binds those environment variables.

Callers of this function (especially indirectly, as with start-stop-daemon), may wish to construct env var strings themselves. Passing a string s to this function simply returns (lit s). Passing a Literal l to this function returns l. nil is passed through unchanged.


(escape s)

Escapes a thing for the shell.

Nils are empty strings.

Literal wrappers are passed through directly.

The special keywords :>, :>>, and :< map to their corresponding shell I/O redirection operators.

Named things like keywords and symbols use their name, escaped. Strings are escaped like normal.

Sequential collections and sets have each element escaped and space-separated.


(lit s)

A literal string to be passed, unescaped, to the shell.



Remotes allow jepsen.control to run shell commands, upload, and download files. They use a context map, which encodes the current user, directory, etc:

:dir - The directory to execute remote commands in :sudo - The user we want to execute a command as :password - The user’s password, for sudo, if necessary.



(connect this conn-spec)

Set up the remote to work with a particular node. Returns a Remote which is ready to accept actions via execute! and upload! and download!. conn-spec is a map of:

{:host :post :username :password :private-key-path :strict-host-key-checking}


(disconnect! this)

Disconnect a remote that has been connected to a host.


(download! this context remote-paths local-path opts)

Copy the specified remote-paths to the local-path on the connected host.

TODO: remote-paths is, in fact, a single remote path: it looks like I forgot to finish making it multiple paths. May want to fix this later–not sure whether it should be a single path or multiple.

Opts is an option map. There are no defined options right now, but later we might introduce some for e.g. recursive uploads, compression, etc. This is also a place for Remote implementations to offer custom semantics.


(execute! this context action)

Execute the specified action in a remote connected a host. Takes a context map, and an action: a map of…

:cmd A string command to execute. :in A string to provide for the command’s stdin.

Should return the action map with additional keys:

:exit The command’s exit status. :out The stdout string. :err The stderr string.


(upload! this context local-paths remote-path opts)

Copy the specified local-path to the remote-path on the connected host.

Opts is an option map. There are no defined options right now, but later we might introduce some for e.g. recursive uploads, compression, etc. This is also a place for Remote implementations to offer custom semantics.


(throw-on-nonzero-exit {:keys [exit action], :as result})

Throws when an SSH result has nonzero exit status.


(wrap-sudo {:keys [sudo sudo-password]} cmd)

Takes a context map and a command action, and returns the command action, modified to wrap it in a sudo command, if necessary. Uses the context map’s :sudo and :sudo-password fields.